Plagiarism and Ethical Misconduct Policy

This ‘Policy’ will be called the ‘Plagiarism and Ethical Misconduct Policy of Nirma University Law Journal (NULJ)’ which is discussed under below paragraphs. This will be subject to change/modification and revision on time-to-time basis from the competent authority of the university.

The policy will be applicable to all the published manuscripts and any future publication/s of any form of manuscripts in the Nirma University Law Journal (NULJ).

The submitted manuscripts shall be subjected to double-blind peer-review. The selection of manuscript is based on review reports of expert reviewers, Associate/Faculty Editors, and approval of the Editorial Board Members. The double-blind reviews of the shortlisted manuscripts will carry out by at least two reviewers – internal and external. The manuscripts submitted must be qualifying the basic criteria as per the ‘Author Guidelines for submission of manuscripts’ in Nirma University Law Journal (NULJ).   The Nirma University Law Journal has zero tolerance of any issue related to plagiarism in the submitted or published manuscripts. The plagiarism and misconduct include any form of plagiarism.

In case of any ethical misconduct or research misconduct found by the NULJ Editorial Board Members, the concerned authority will take reasonable and necessary action/s to detect and prevent the publication of such manuscripts; NULJ, in no circumstances will promote or knowingly allow such abuse to occur.

The manuscripts submitted to the NULJ shall be always evaluated with confidentiality, and without any prejudice. NULJ Faculty/Associate Editors will be taking care of all confidential information of all received manuscripts. 

Author obligation will be to notify to the NULJ Editor, to correct and retract the manuscripts in case of any types of inaccuracies and significant errors is detected in the published research work.  In case, if any member of the NULJ Editorial Board is intimated by any third party about the published work having any factual error or inaccuracy, the author is obligated to correct the information or retract the manuscripts which is published in the Nirma University Law Journal. The author is required to provide valid evidence of the inaccuracy or significant error of submitted/published manuscripts.

The author will be responsible for violation of any copy rights issue raised from third party. The Editorial Board of Nirma University Law Journal, Institute of Law, Nirma University or Nirma University will be not responsible for the same the sole responsibility will be of author or authors of the manuscript. The Institute is not and will be not responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The views expressed in the manuscripts and others materials published in Nirma University Law Journal does not reflect the opinions of the Institute.

Every Author is required to ensure that the submitted manuscript must be an entirely original. The references related to the research data and data sources shall be cited appropriately and adequately, without any unethical behaviour. Author should not submit the same manuscripts for publication to multiple journals, the manuscripts submitted to more than one journal is strongly prohibited, will be considered unethical behaviour.

Author should acknowledge and also cite the other’s work as well as his own work in the submitted manuscripts to Nirma University Law Journal (NULJ). In case any ethical misconduct is found, the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board Members of NULJ shall have rights to take appropriate and necessary actions.



Nirma University Law Journal (NULJ)